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Credit Health Report Terms And Conditions

Credit Health Report These terms and conditions are Primary Terms incorporated by reference, and deemed a part of the Primary Terms and shall apply in the event you subscribe to and receive the Credit Health Report (“CHR”).

Credit Health Report (‘CHR’) Above subscriptions shall individually be called as “Order” and collectively called as “Orders”

By Proceeding with the journey of Order document you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood the Terms as a whole forming a legal and binding agreement between us. If you do not accept the Terms please note that you will not be able to submit this Order and we will not be able to provide you with the services under the ‘CHR, Orders unless you agree to accept and be bound by the Terms.

All capitalized terms used in these Additional Terms but not defined herein shall have the same meaning as defined under the Primary Terms.

4.7.1. Scope of Services: The details and scope of the services that will be provided to you under the Orders are available here.

4.7.2. Orders: All orders submitted by you are subject to acceptance by Shriram Finance Limited. Acceptance of your order is subject to (i) receipt of consent to obtain your credit history details from CRIF; and (ii) receipt of payment of all charges due for this Order. Acceptance of your order will be signified by email sent to you at the email address provided in your Order or commencement of the provision of the Services by Shriram Finance Limited, whichever is earlier.

4.7.3. Charges: For availing this service, you agree to pay the necessary charges as mentioned at the time of purchase of the service in the Shriram One App. Payment of the entire charges made by you, in advance, is irrevocable and a condition precedent for the acceptance of your order.

3.3. Shriram Finance Limited may change the mode of payment that is acceptable to it from time to time.

4.7.4. Timelines: The timelines for delivery of service under this Order as mentioned on the website are non-binding estimates based on Shriram Finance Limited’s prior experience. Factors beyond our control may affect the actual date/time of delivery of the services to you. During the course of provision of the service under this Order, Shriram Finance Limited may require you to submit additional documents or details. You agree to provide the same. Your prompt and accurate response to such requests will also affect the timelines for delivery.

4.7.5. Authorization: To provide you with the services under this Order, you understand that Shriram Finance Limited requires your credit report and credit score maintained by CIC(s) in India. You therefore hereby agree to irrevocably authorize Shriram Finance Limited to apply for / request and receive your credit information report and credit rating from CICs in India, as many times during the tenure of the Order or as permitted by applicable law and as may be required based on the type of Order you have chosen. Should such authorization expire by operation of applicable law, you agree to login to the Shriram Finance Limited website and renew such authorization irrevocably for such periods as may be permitted by law. Shriram Finance Limited shall make reasonable efforts to inform you of such expiry to your registered contact numbers. You agree to execute such authorization in such format as may be requested Shriram Finance Limited as many times as may be required to for Shriram Finance Limited to continue to provide services under this Order. You hereby authorize Shriram Finance Limited to use the information obtained from the applicable CIC(s) and any other information that you may provide to Shriram Finance Limited to provide you with Shriram Finance Limited’s services in accordance with the Terms.

You expressly understand and consent to the use and disclosure of the said information for the service availed from Shriram Finance Limited as per applicable law and in accordance with Shriram Finance Limited’s Privacy Policy.

4.7.6. Limitations: The services under this Order shall commence on acceptance of your Order as mentioned above and shall be deemed completed when (i) your credit report and the Credit Health Report (“CHR”) is sent to you by email at the email address provided in your Order or when (ii) Shriram Finance Limited informs you (by email) that the CICs do not have a credit report for you, whichever is earlier. You hereby understand and acknowledge that Shriram Finance Limited may suspend the service, for the reasons beyond its control or due to application of new law or any changes to existing regulation. You hereby understand and agree that in case your authorization should expire by operation of applicable law, Shriram Finance Limited is under no obligation to continue to provide you with services under this order. In such a situation, you agree that Shriram Finance Limited is not obliged to complete the services or refund any amount or provide any compensation in such circumstance.

Credit Health Report - CRIF
Annexure 2
Consumer Consent for accessing Consumer Credit Information Report (CIR)

I hereby appoint Novac Technology Solutions (hereinafter referred as “Company”), having its registered office at Office 275,"Statesman One", Ramakrishna Mutt Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004 as my lawful agent to receive my credit report/credit history (“Credit Information”) from Credit Information Companies (“CICs”).

I further authorize the Company to share with CICs, my personal information/details to procure my Credit Information on a monthly frequency and use the same to provide me with credit report access services (“Purpose”).

I understand and acknowledge that the CIC shall not be liable under law or equity, in any manner whatsoever, for providing my Credit Information to the Company and I will not raise any claim or objections against the CIC.

I confirm that this consent is given by my free will and not due to any solicitation by any person/entity.

This consent/authorization shall be valid for (i) a maximum period of 06 (six) months, from the date of giving the same, (ii) satisfying the Purpose or (iii) until I withdraw my consent at any time, by informing the same to the Company, at their registered office address, website, assigned email id or mobile application, whichever is earlier.

I also consent to the CRIF High Mark Credit Score Terms of Use.


CRIF High Mark -Credit Score Terms of Use

In connection with submission of the application for my credit information (“Consumer Credit Information”) offered by CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (“CIC”) through Pillar Data India Pvt Limited (referred to as the “Company”) and delivery of the Consumer Credit Information to the Company, I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

A. The Company is my lawfully appointed agent and he / it has agreed to be my agent obtain my Credit Information Report and Credit Score from CRIF High Mark Credit Information Services Pvt. Ltd (CRIF High Mark) for the purpose of credit report access and not for any other purposes. This consent shall be valid for a maximum period of 6 months or till such time the credit information is required to be retained to satisfy the purpose for which it was intended, or I withdraw my consent to store such credit information, whichever is earlier.

B. I hereby expressly grant unconditional consent to, and direct, CIC to deliver and / or transfer my Consumer Credit Information to the Company on my behalf.

C. I shall not hold CIC responsible or liable for any loss, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of, or in any way related to: (a) delivery of my Consumer Credit Information to the Company; (b) any use, modification or disclosure by the Company of the contents, in whole or in part, of my Consumer Credit Information, wherever authorized by me; (c) any breach of confidentiality or privacy in relation to delivery of my Consumer Credit Information to the Company;

D. I acknowledge and accept that: (a) CIC has not made any promises or representations to me in order to induce me to provide my Consumer Credit Information or seek any consent or authorization in this regard; and (b) the implementation of the Agreement between CIC and the Company is solely the responsibility of the Company.

E. I agree that I may be required to record my consent / provide instructions electronically or physically as the case may be, and in all such cases I understand that by clicking on the "I Accept" button below or signing this Consent physically, I am providing "written instructions" to the Company Authorizing Company to obtain my Consumer Credit Information from my personal credit profile from CRIF High Mark. I further authorize Company to obtain such information solely to confirm my identity and display my Consumer Credit Information to me. Further in all such cases by checking this box and clicking on the Authorize button or signing this Consent physically, I agree to the terms and conditions, acknowledge receipt of CIC privacy policy and agree to its terms, and confirm my authorization for Company to obtain my Consumer Credit Information.

F. I understand that in order to deliver the product to me, I hereby authorize Company, to obtain my Consumer Credit Information from CIC.

G. By submitting this registration form, I understand that I am providing express written instructions for Company to request and receive a copy of my consumer credit report and score from CIC.

H. I understand that the product is provided on an “as-is”, “as available” basis and CIC expressly disclaims all warranties, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

I. I shall not sue or otherwise make or present any demand or claim, and I irrevocably, unconditionally and entirely release, waive and forever discharge CIC, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensees, affiliates, successors and assigns, jointly and individually (hereinafter “Releasee”), from any and all manner of liabilities, claims, demands, losses, claims, suits, costs and expenses (including court costs and reasonable attorney fees) (“Losses”), whatsoever, in law or equity, whether known or unknown, which I ever had, now have, or in the future may have against the Releasee with respect to the submission of my Consumer Credit Information and / or my decision to provide CIC with the authority to deliver my Consumer Credit Information to the Company. I agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Releasee from and against any and all losses resulting from claims made against CIC by third parties arising from and in connection with this letter.

J. I agree that the terms of this confirmation letter shall be governed by the laws of India and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Mumbai in regard to any dispute arising hereof.

4.7.7. KYC related Terms and Conditions CKYC Consent –

a) I hereby authorize SFL to verify/check/obtain/download/upload/update my KYC details from/with the Central KYC Registry(CERSAI):

(i) by verifying such details through the CKYC number (i.e. KYC Identifier Number- KIN) provided by me or

(ii) by obtaining such CKYC number/KIN, through details shared by me for this Application Form.

b) I hereby consent for receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email on the above registered number/email address. Aadhaar based authentication (Aadhaar eKYC) or verification (Aadhaar OKYC) facility provided by Unique Identification Authority of India “UIDAI” –

a) CONSENT: At my own discretion, I voluntarily opt to perform and avail Aadhaar based authentication (eKYC) or verification (OKYC) from UIDAI and hereby submit to the SFL, the physical copy of Aadhaar card / physical e-Aadhaar / masked Aadhaar / Aadhaar Secure QR code / offline electronic Aadhaar xml as issued by UIDAI (Aadhaar), Aadhaar number, Virtual ID, e-Aadhaar, Aadhaar Letter, XML file, date of birth, Aadhaar holder name, photo, demographic information, face authentication details and/or biometric information (collectively, “Information”) for the purpose of establishing my identity / address proof or in the capacity of guardian of my minor child’s identity / address. I am informed by the SFL that in connection with Aadhaar e-KYC or Aadhaar OKYC services, SFL shall share Aadhaar number and/or biometrics with CIDR/UIDAI , and in response, the CIDR/UIDAI shall share with SFL, the authentication data or verification data such as Aadhaar Holder Name, Date of Birth, Address, Photo, and Registered Mobile Number.

b) PURPOSE: I for myself/as guardian of minor child, authorise and give my consent to the SFL, for following informed purposes: -

(i) Above mentioned information shall be used for KYC and periodic KYC updation process as per the PML Act, 2002 and rules thereunder and RBI guidelines, or for establishing my identity, carrying out my identification, e-KYC, or OKYC, or Yes/No Authentication, demographic or other authentication/verification/ identification as may be permitted as per applicable law, for all accounts, facilities, services and relationships of/through the SFL, existing and future.

(ii) Collecting, sharing, storing, preserving Information, maintaining records and using the Information and authentication/verification/ identification records:

(a) for the informed purposes above,

(b) as well as for regulatory and legal reporting and filings and/or

(c) where required under applicable law;

(iii) producing records and logs of the consent, Information or of authentication, identification, verification etc. for evidentiary purposes including before a court of law, any authority or in arbitration.

c) I further understand that Aadhaar number and core biometrics will not be stored/ shared except as per laws/regulations and for CIDR/UIDAI submission.

d) I shall be submitting to the Company any one of the Officially Valid documents such as Aadhaar, Voter ID, Driving License or Passport for customer due diligence/KYC process. CONSENT DATA AND INFORMATION SHARING FROM FOR DIGILOCKER PROVIDED BY MeIT (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology) : I authorise and give my consent to the SFL to obtain, share and store Certified Copy of Officially Valid Documents (OVD) or equivalent e-documents of OVD including documents issued through secured cloud based Digilocker platform of MeIT for the purpose of availing Financial Products from SFL. KYC through Video Customer Identification Process(VCIP) – If I opt for VCIP Mode, I hereby agree and acknowledge/authorise:

a) That video based KYC validation (”Video KYC process”) has been provided as alternate method for establishing my identity with SFL

b) That my KYC will be completed by SFL, through Video KYC process, in accordance with process provided under the prevailing regulation, including Master Direction Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016, issued by Reserve Bank of India(“RBI”) and the amendments thereof.

c) All particulars, information and details to be provided by me in relation to this Video KYC process represent the true, correct and upto date information of myself in all respects.

d) That Video KYC process shall include but shall not be limited to the following steps concluded by authorised officer of SFL:

i. Live capturing of photo, along with live GPS co-ordinate (Geo-tagging) of the customer undertaking the VCIP and date time stamp where such live photo is being taken;

ii. Permanent Account Number (PAN) is mandatory for onboarding through V-CIP mode and capturing clear image of PAN card during the V-CIP process. The PAN details will be verified from the verification facility of the issuing authority.

iii. If Aadhaar card is permitted to be accepted as a documentary proof under law/regulation, the same will be obtained as contemplated under the prevalent law/regulation.

iv. Video recording of the interaction (for concluding Video KYC) will be stored by SFL in accordance with applicable law/regulation.

e) I will be required to submit other officially valid document (OVD) / deemed to be OVD’s or such other documents as may be requested by SFL, as part of this Video KYC process;

f) I hereby convey my express consent to SFL for verifying any or all the details/documents so provided by me.

g) To complete the Video KYC process in full within time stipulated by SFL and in case if I fail to complete the same for any reason whatsoever SFL shall have sole and absolute discretion to reject my loan/product application(s) and/or discontinue the service(s)/product(s) for which such KYC is mandated.

h) That in case where KYC documents/details submitted by me during Video KYC process does not match with or if there are any discrepancy found therein after validation thereof with the original KYC documents/details updated by me, SFL shall have sole and exclusive right to reject my loan/product application(s) and/or discontinue the service(s)/product(s) for which such KYC is mandated.

i) That if I could not complete my Video KYC validation process or if during the said process if I dropped midway due to technical, systematic or server errors/issues or other operational issues in that case I may be permitted to complete Video KYC process or I may be required to complete my KYC compliance by undertaking physical KYC validation process, by SFL and I undertake to complete the same and/or submit physical KYC.

j) That, SFL does not guarantee continuous accessibility of the applications and shall not be held liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever in respect of any loss, cost or damage that may be incurred by me due to any technical, systematic or server errors/issues, or any other issue occurred while undertaking Video KYC process, including for reasons which are beyond reasonable control of the SFL. I hereby confirm that all the information and details including but not limited to financials/bank statements, KYC details provided/to be provided by me pursuant in support of my application or to be shared with any third party, including the Central KYC Registry, are true, correct and up-to-date. I have not withheld any material information that may be required by SFL. I undertake to immediately keep SFL updated of any change in the information provided by me, specifically KYC/CKYC details, Bank details, change of my address/co-ordinates etc. and in case any of the above information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it and I will not hold SFL liable for any consequences that may arise owing to any delay/lapse on my part.